Monday, May 4, 2020

May the 4th be with you

In honor of Star Wars day I decided to do a little shoot, but  I was lazy so I only grabbed one of my Star Wars dolls and decided to let her take a little tour of the other collections that were already out.
So I present to you, "Rey goes on Vacation"

Here's Rey at her hotel room

"It looks like the Winchesters stayed here before me."

I actually made this diorama for the Sam and Dean Barbie (Ken) dolls I made for my sister. It's meant to be one of those cheap motels they stay at.

 I still need to add some paintings over the bed, I finally found some coasters awful enough to be motel art! I just need to make some frames, or the illusion of frames so I can put them up.

Next she went to visit the German Expressionism Museum,

This is a diorama I made for my Silent Screamers" Cabinet of Doctor Caligari  action figures. I have another one of those big plexi boxes so I'm hoping to do Nosferatu some point.

After that she went to the mall for some shopping but it seems all the  stores were closed for some reason.

The counter is from a 90's playset and the box in the background is a "store front" I've been making for it. I've been organizing my doll collection and trying to put all the orginal pieces together so I can take some photos.

I'm begining to realize this shoot could be called "Rey goes on a tour of all the unfinished projects I have all over my craft room.

To finish off her day Rey went for a drink at the Bratz Pub

"Hey you! Why isn't any of this milk blue?"

But then I decided we needed a background.

Much better! Cheers, and May the 4th be with you.

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